E-therapy Ethics –Assessing the Quality of E-therapy Websites Available on the Internet

Diplomarbeit von Rohrauer Gerlinde

Betreuer: A.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Trimmel

Institut für Umwelthygiene der Universität Wien, Univ.-Doz. am Institut für Psychologie der Universität Wien

There is a growing number of services offering counseling or therapy via the internet (E-Therapy). Several risks and deficits have been reported concerning the practice of E-therapy, and there is no instrument to evaluate a given ressource efficiently. Therefore the purpose of this study was to develop a rating scale to measure and compare the quality of websites offering E-therapy services to clients. Suggestions or rules related to the quality of health websites or online mental health services launched by pertinent initiatives, professional organizatons or regulatory authorities served as basis for the construction of the rating scale. Five exemplary E-therapy websites have been evaluated by 40 participants by using a web-based online survey tool. Factor Analysis revealed five scales, representing quality categories of the informaton and conditions given to clients on the websites. Statistical Analysis showed that the rating scale was suitable to identify significant differences between the websites. Two of the evaluated websites achieved fair to good scores, on three of the five websites, substantial deficits have been identified. Finally, the study revealed that subject’s age, gender, psychological education and encryption know how and the website design and clarity affect the judgement about the E-therapy websites.