Scalp recorded direct current potential change during induced emotions

Diplomarbeit von Meixner-Pendleton Monika

Betreuer: A.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Trimmel

Institut für Umwelthygiene der Universität Wien, Univ.-Doz. am Institut für Psychologie der Universität Wien

Purpose of the presented experiment was to study effects caused by emotional stimulation by way of scalp recorded direct current (DC) potential change. Three film clips chosen for their emotionally evocative nature of eliciting either positive, neutral or negative emotions, were viewed by 21 participants. After each clip participants were asked to rate experienced emotions and then perform a set of discrimination tasks. DC potential change at prefrontal, frontal, central and parietal locations of left and right hemisphere was recorded. ANCOVA, correcting for vertical EOG, revealed a task related change for frontal locations and Fp1. Negative DC potential change occurred during the film clips, sustained throughout a subsequent pause, and rebounded during the questionnaire period. At central locations and Fp2, this DC potential change occurred only for specific film conditions. At locations Fp1 and F3 the positive film resulted in greater negative DC potential change than the negative film. This effect of the positive film is discussed in connection with regulation of activation and attention. Differences in DC potential change for emotional film condition were supported by differences in self report measures of experienced emotions and differences in task performance indicated by reaction time and number of errors